Businesses may require part time staff for a number of reasons, and there are plenty of high quality candidates out there looking to fill these roles.
There may be a tendency to think that people looking for part time work only want a stop-gap, but in fact many applicants are looking specifically for reduced hours. Portfolio Credit Control can help you find these people and match your organisation with the best part time employees available.
What do you need to work in credit control?
Your part time workers should be just as professional and capable as the full time staff you employ, and as such you should treat the recruitment process as you would any other. This means looking for people with all the necessary attributes to succeed in the industry.
One of the key skills required is strong attention to detail. All credit control staff deal with client accounts on a daily basis, so it is vital that no mistakes are made. The successful applicants will need to keep track of multiple accounts and make sure all payments are received on time.
As these roles involve interacting with clients, the candidates should offer good people skills. Credit control staff will often need to contact a client about outstanding debt, and naturally this is a subject that must be discussed carefully and sensitively to ensure a positive relationship can continue.
With less time available in which to train part time staff, it is likely that you will want someone who can get started straight away. Bearing this in mind, it would be prudent to check if the candidates are proficient in applications such as Microsoft Access, Excel and Oracle Database.
Working with Portfolio
If you would like some assistance in finding great candidates for all your part time jobs, Portfolio Credit Control can assign a dedicated consultant who will help you throughout the process.
We can check our database to see who would be a good fit for your business, and chat to them beforehand so that only the truly high quality candidates are sent on to you for an interview.
We can recruit for any role, from collection officer and accounts receivable jobs to credit managers, so call us today on 020 7650 3199.
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